Wednesday 17 November 2010

clarks=clever advertising?

I really enjoyed this advert on the london underground by clarks, so yes I work for the dear shoe company and so I have been keeping an eye on their adverts through the years, this one tops it for me, I just want to know.. who's done it!!!?

Friday 5 November 2010

stan calvert cup 2010

so I haven't been on here for a million years but just finished a manga style front cover for a brochure for the Newcastle vs Northumbria battle of the unis! (Stan Calvert cup 15th December 2010)
I don't do manga, ever. But I gave it a go and I think I was successful, baring in mind it took me a little over 24hours to do so yes it is a tad rushed, forgive me!

Monday 23 November 2009

an actual website?!

my websiiiiite woop!

Tuesday 27 October 2009

feedback on website

things i will change/feedback from tutors

1. too much white space-will edit by having some sort of moving animation i.e bird going across screen
2. does this website reflect me- yes I feel the website does reflect me, especially in comparison to my other designs
3. writing works and flows really well- I feel I am a typographer, its what I find interesting and enjoy the most
4. using grid system- possible something I could change in the future when I have more work to put on the website but at the moment it works for the amount of work

I personally found this brief one of the hardest I have had, getting into the mindset to understand the software and get a design that reflects myself, overall I am far more pleased with my final design as I was 2 weeks ago and feel I can go back to improve the design with the things I have learnt.


For my website I went for simplicity,  I started off this project perhaps in a bad place; too many ideas but no great ideas, I found it really hard to create a website that represented me. About 10 ideas later and about a week behind schedule I was in the middle of another one of my ideas when this one just came out! I used a nice blank white page with some grass type brush running along the bottom, this concept represents me best, I am a bit of a perfectionist and more of a designer than an illustrator, all of my other ideas people kept asking "so are you an illustrator". So simpler is better in this case! 

I found it hard to get into the web design 'mindset' but now I have a much better understanding of the way it all works now and kept trying to add more little bits to the website like opening the blog in a new window and opening outlook express, rollovers, sprys and behaviors. 
I'm still not 100% but with the knowledge I have now I feel I could go back to the start and create a better website design. But everything links, there is a clear path and all the hotspots work. I have one major problem with my website, the first page has some questionable faults that I don't understand with the links in slightly the wrong place, it all still works and isn't causing any problems so I have just left it.
Shame I can't get it up online, I think I will now purchase my own domain and improve the site so I can use it in the future.

Saturday 24 October 2009

so thats all folks!

well thats the screen grabs of my website

few flaws with the arrangement of the home page but every other page links really well and matches perfectly, I put 4 images for each subject so not to overcrowd it and chose work from college and uni which worked out around half and half but its the work I most enjoyed doing.