Tuesday 27 October 2009

feedback on website

things i will change/feedback from tutors

1. too much white space-will edit by having some sort of moving animation i.e bird going across screen
2. does this website reflect me- yes I feel the website does reflect me, especially in comparison to my other designs
3. writing works and flows really well- I feel I am a typographer, its what I find interesting and enjoy the most
4. using grid system- possible something I could change in the future when I have more work to put on the website but at the moment it works for the amount of work

I personally found this brief one of the hardest I have had, getting into the mindset to understand the software and get a design that reflects myself, overall I am far more pleased with my final design as I was 2 weeks ago and feel I can go back to improve the design with the things I have learnt.


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